Class Schedule

Early Morning Hustle

Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 6 AM with Coaches Paul and Victoria. Start your day with us, crush #adulting, then get back outside in the afternoon. Win, win, win?

Happier Hour

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday at 5:30 PM with Coach P
Listen, we love tequila as much as the next guy. But, we promise this is the Healthier Happier Hour you need. Wall ball shots build the booty, Don Julio, not so much.

The Lunch Rush **COMING SOON

Tuesday & Thursday at 12 PM with Paul
The dogs have been walked,, your coworkers are lunching, and we’re here waiting for you. Sneak in a little mid-day throw down.

Special Saturday Session

Saturdays at 12:30 PM with the SendIt Crew
This Coach-led workout is great if you are a beginner, we work on specific skills in a fun, no-pressure team environment. Don’t worry, you can suck at things, cause we all do (HSPU, anyone?). Come suck less.